She has been learning SO much, and picks up on everything so incredibly fast now.
She now knows the following colors: pink, red, blue, green, yellow, brown, white, black, purple, and orange. She also says, "Doggy says ruff, kitty says nee-oww, horsey says naaaay, piggie says oink oink, ducky says quack, cow goes MOO, monkey goes ooo ooo ooo eee eee eee!".
She knows how to count to 10, and can sing the entire alphabet song, even with the end... "Now I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me... ME ME ME"! It's so cute.
She even started REALLY jumping yesterday! Before she would stand in place, and bend her knees, and would look like she was jumping but her feet wouldn't actually leave the floor. Now she's figured out if she gets a running start, she actually gets air!
I can't wait to see what she learns in the next few months!!
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